COVID-19 Duty of Care
(Credits: adapted from the 2022 DRC Policy)
The Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) 2022 is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all participants. We are working with the University of Michigan (U-M) on implementing preventive measures to reduce the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus. Our preventive measures and policies are guided by the requirements and recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and federal, state and local health authorities, as well as the health and safety requirements for U-M events. These requirements change frequently; up-to-date requirements will be communicated to registered CSW2022 attendees shortly before the meeting. Based on past experience, these U-M, local, state and federal requirements may include policies regarding vaccination, negative COVID-19 tests, social distancing and/or masking. Note that international travelers should additionally monitor the CDC requirements regarding entry into the United States.
The responsibility for a safe and healthy event environment is shared by every participant. All CSW2022 Meeting participants are expected to adhere to and abide by health and safety precautions implemented for the meeting as well as other government and facility regulations. As part of your Duty of Care responsibilities, you should not attend the CSW2022 Meeting if you:
- Are unwilling or unable to follow all, local, state, and federal health requirements as well as the requirements of U-M.
- Are experiencing, or have recently experienced symptoms of COVID-19, and have not yet ended isolation, as required by CDC guidance.
- Believe that you may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, and have not yet ended quarantine as required by CDC guidance.
- Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not yet ended isolation as required by CDC guidance, or are not yet cleared as non-contagious by the health care team responsible for your treatment.
Please note that by checking the CSW2022 Policies box during the registration process, you agree to adhere to the precautions and policies contained herein and acknowledge and understand that you are knowingly and freely assuming all risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, by attending this event. You understand that refusal to adhere to these policies and abide by these precautions may result in immediate removal from the event and cancellation of the registration, without receiving a refund.
All policies, including those contained herein, are subject to change. I understand that I will be required to complete a daily health screen and show proof upon morning check-in using the University of Michigan ResponsiBLUE health questionnaire.