Plenary Speakers

Steven DenBaars
UC Santa Barbara
Developments in High Efficiency Micro-LEDs Based on III-Nitrides

Thomas Kazior
Microsystems Technology Office DARPA
Emerging RF Device Technology – Advanced GaN and Beyond

Hideo Ohno
Tohoku University
Spintronics: A gateway to low-energy computation and new computing schemes

Short course tutorial speakers

Suman Datta
University of Notre Dame
Ferroelectric Materials and Devices

Manijeh Razeghi
Northwestern University
Compound Semiconductors: from Epi to State of the Art Devices
Invited Speakers
- Oliver Ambacher, IAF Fraunhofer
- Kris Bertness, NIST
- Guillaume Cassabois, University of Montpellier, CNRS
- Cui-Zu Chang, Penn State University
- Edward Chang, NCTU
- Shigefusa Chichibu, Tohoku University
- Armin Dadgar, University Magdeburg
- Rachel Goldman, University of Michigan
- Sam Graham, UMD
- Timothy Grotjohn, Michigan State University
- Qing Gu, NCSU
- Suchi Guha, University of Missouri
- Rob Howell, NGC
- Debdeep Jena, Cornell University
- Do Young Kim, University of Oklahoma
- Manos Kioupakis, University of Michigan
- Christian Koller, KAI GmbH
- Maki Kushimoto, Nagoya University
- Stephanie Law, University of Delaware
- Xiuling Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jerry Meyer, NRL
- Khaled Mnaymneh, NRC Canada
- Eva Monroy, CEA France
- Jeong Sun Moon, HRL
- Brendan O’Connor, NCState
- Scott B Papp, NIST
- Taofiq Paraïso, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd
- Julien Pernot, Institut Neel, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes
- Barry Rand, Princeton University
- Shashwat Rathkanthiwar, NCSU
- Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University
- Stephan Reitzenstein, TU Berlin
- Sebastián Reparaz, ICMAB, Barcelona
- Ian Sellers, University of Oklahoma
- Debbie Senesky, Stanford University
- Hoe Tan, ANU
- Joel Varley, LLNL
- Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University
- Ai Yanagihara, Sophia University