Special Issue in physica status solidi (a)
Call for papers – Invitation to authors
Special Issue in physica status solidi (a) , Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW 2022)
Guest Editors: Srabanti Chowdhury, Patrick Fay, Zetian Mi, and Grace Xing
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2022
Submission at: www.editorialmanager.com/pssa-journal
Select Section/Category: CSW 2022 – Compound Semiconductors
Dear CSW 2022 presenters,
Once again, physica status solidi and the conference organizers are committed to publish a special issue highlighting the most exciting new results that are scheduled for presentation at this year’s CSW 2022 in Ann Arbor, MI, USA on June 1–3. This will make your important works available to a large international audience quickly. Following a long line of successful publications from previous meetings since 2005, the papers will be divided between pss (a) – applications and materials science. In collaboration with the Guest Editors and the Editorial Office we cordially invite you to contribute a Review (for invited speakers) or Research Articles manuscript based on, or related to your presentation.
The physica status solidi journals are designed to reach a broad audience. It is one of the largest and well established publication platforms in solid state, applied and device physics as well as materials science with more than 1000 articles per year – now over 60 years in business – and is widely accessible via Open Access and as part of many institutional site licenses, evidenced by many hundreds of thousands of article downloads annually.
Submitted manuscripts will undergo editorial evaluation and, if considered appropriate, subsequent peer review. According to the editorial policy of pss, two positive recommendations by independent reviewers are a prerequisite of acceptance. Peer review and publication occur rapidly on individual manuscript basis. Published in Wiley Online Library Accepted Articles and Early View shortly after acceptance, your article is citable with DOI or article number immediately; hence there is no waiting for the remainder of the contributions.
Note that pss (a) is a hybrid Open Access (OA)/subscription journal. The Open Access option is compliant with national or funder mandates, supported by an ever increasing number of countries and institutions.
NEW: Wiley has now OA agreements with about 300 academic and government research institutions across the USA, from California to MIT, for details see Wiley Author Services and contact pssa@wiley-vch.de with questions.
If your institution or funder has no OA funds available, you may publish your article at no costs as subscription article with Copyright Transfer Agreement. The visibility of these articles has also been significantly improved due to many additional access licenses and publish-and-read agreements worldwide.
When all articles are complete, the topical section will be assembled in a regular monthly issue of pss (a). The clustering of related articles raises the visibility of these articles significantly, and we are confident that this will become a quality publication reflected by high article access and citation numbers.
We look forward to receiving your contributions!
Srabanti Chowdhury, Patrick Fay, Zetian Mi, Grace Xing and Stefan Hildebrandt